After MI, I swooped down to Amesville, OH for another family visit.
Like most Burchby family get togethers, the visit was action packed. I visited my cousin John and Katelyn’s house (that they built themselves!) and we bundled flowers for bouquet sales. We weeded flower beds and de-scummed the pond, thankfully not pictured above. We stopped by Michael’s creation Republic of Athens Records in nearby Athens, OH and I got to see his and Dayna’s new house. Uncle George graciously taught me to fish and my Aunt Marcia showed me around her and many neighbors gardens and coordinated many additional fun activities.
These lovely hosts also cooked A LOT. We ate some absolutely incredible meals, including pizza night at the farm. Below is a pizza that I tried to make but actually kind of murdered. Overconfidence strikes again.
It was a very wonderful visit and my heartfelt thanks goes out to the whole Amesville/Athens crew for all of the cooking, hosting, socializing, etc. It was great to see everyone and what you’ve all done in the last decade since I was in Ohio.
At John’s suggestion, I broke up the drive from Amesville to Ithaca, NY with a stop at Ohiopyle State Park in PA. Also some unexpectedly delicious tacos in West Virginia.
Ohiopyle was beautiful! I didn’t leave enough time to go the the nearby Frank Lloyd Wright house “fallingwater”, which was a bit of a fail, but I had a great day in the park and busted out the hammock for the first time this whole trip. If you are into white water rafting or mountain biking, I definitely recommend this park.
Then it was on to Ithaca, NY! I’ll admit, when I crossed the state line into New York, my home of eight years, my heart did a happy flip in my chest ❤️