
join me in shaving your head, quitting your job and taking a cross country #soloyolo road trip extravaganza ….

end of last week photo dump

end of last week photo dump

Alright, check ya girl figuring out how to make an image carousel from the squarespace mobile app. I feel like we just fastforwarded from like a raw html custom website quality to … the mid 00’s templated website management. 😂 modernity is thrilling.

More from Valley of Fire State Park (NV).

And from the transition into UT and a hike at Kodachrome Basin State Park…

And a whirlwind sweep through Escalante Staircase National Monument.

I’m writing this from Moab, taking it easy a few days and attending to a new car battery. More pics to come from this stop, including one of the best days I have ever spent doing adventure travel in Dead Horse Point State Park and Canyonlands!


i’m not crying, you’re crying

i’m not crying, you’re crying

storming, forming, norming

storming, forming, norming